Our school offers a six year post primary education – three years junior cycle and three years senior cycle. Transition year within the senior cycle is currently optional.
Junior Cycle
The following subjects are taught to Junior Cycle level:
Junior Cycle
The following subjects are taught to Junior Cycle level:
- Gaeilge
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Information Technology
- French
- German
- Business
- Home Economics
- History
- Geography
- Religious Education
- Physical Education
- Civic, Social & Political Education
- Social, Personal and Health Education
Transition Year
The Transition Year option provides for a broad range of educational activities which are grouped around traditional subjects, information technology, careers education, work experience and personal and Social Development.
Transition Year in St. Vincent's Secondary School is a year of opportunity! We offer a programme designed to holistically cater for the needs of the students. There is a whole-school approach to the design of this programme and a programme co-ordinator and a Core Team of teaching staff in consultation with management, have taken collaborative responsibility for the development and design of the programme. The content of the programme will vary from year to year to meet student needs and in light of funding and resources available within the school, local community and from the Department of Education and Skills.
The Aims of the Transition Year Programme in St. Vincent's Secondary School is to promote the personal, social, educational and vocational development of students and to prepare them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsibility members of society.
The aims of Transition Year (“PDST Transition Year Programmes – Guidelines for Schools”):
- Education for maturity with emphasis on social awareness and increased social competence
- Promotion of general, technical and academic skills with emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning
- Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and maturity.
Leaving Certificate
The following subjects are taught to Leaving Certificate level:
- Gaeilge
- Mathematics
- English
- History
- French
- Geography
- German
- Business
- Accounting
- Physics
- Information Technology
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Home Economics Social & Scientific
- Religion
- Music
- Physical Education
- Career Guidance
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme provides students with the opportunity to realise their full potential for self directed learning, for innovation and for enterprise. Students follow this programme as part of the Leaving Certificate.